Forgiveness from Oprah's Life Class : Strength Through the Storm
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Forgiveness from Oprah's Life Class

by JNC on 05/11/12

For many mothers it is hard enough to get beyond the pain of not having your kids with you.....but in many cases there are many mothers who struggle with the pain and anger of having been served an injustice by the family courts and their Ex on top of it.  An aha moment (as Oprah calls them) that I felt was very important to pass along was the focus on forgiveness.  Oprah stated;
     "Forgivess up the hope that the past could be any different and letting go of that past"
     "Until you learn to heal the wounds of your past, you will continue to bleed into the future"
Basically it is helpful to keep in mind that forgiveness is 'for YOU' not 'for the person getting the forgiveness'.  When you are able to forgive and let go of what was 'done to you' you will find a wave of peace come over you.  If you are holding on to your pain, anger, resentment it essentially controls at least a part of you.  It will continue to rage around in your heart like a carbonated drink being shook inside a closed bottle.  If you offer forgiveness, it is like removed that bottle cap and all that built up pressure and tension is released and there is a calm inside.  The same will happen within your heart.  Try to forgive the one who has inflicted so much pain and remind yourself that it is "FOR YOU" and so that your heart will find peace.

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