Voices In Custody
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About Voices In Custody
This is a outreach ministry to the many women who are traveling the road of a custody battle or who have lost custody of their children.....You are NOT alone!

We would like to have women from every state (and around the world) join together to fight legislation that is unjust to many mothers, as well as bring awareness to society the growing number of children who are wrongly without their mothers.  Mothers who many times today are stay at home moms who have dedicated their lives to their children only to have a Judge send them off with the father.....whether is be over money, or community status, or lies that were well presented the court hearings.  Society needs to be aware that not all mothers without their children are addicted to drugs, alcohol, etc. or done anything wrong in many cases. 

We would like to provide services,  eventually reaching all states, to offer support to mothers facing heartbreaking custody hearings, offer an advocate to the children who many times attend the hearings, and even offer legal assistance to those who were left with no money to fight and risk losing custody because of that.

Please help by sending in your stories (they can be anonymous), volunteering to be a contact and advocate leader in your state, a volunteer, or an attorney who could offer legal assistance at a reduced rate or pro bono.  

Donate to this cause if God should lead your heart to help the many children and mothers that are facing this heartbreaking situation.  Help us to offer assistance and support.