Christie Brinkley Interview : Strength Through the Storm
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Christie Brinkley Interview

by JNC on 03/27/12

I watched Christie Brinkley talk to Matt Lauer on the Today show (I usually dont have time to stop and watch anything in the morning) and felt the scar in my heart slightly reopen as I looked in her eyes at the end and felt the familiar pain as she said till tears swelled, "I just want peace......please I just want peace".  Whether you are in the public eye or just an ordinary person in Alabama, the pain of dealing with a bitter and narcissistic ex is almost unbearable!  She is such a model to mothers in trying to do the best for your kids, still focusing on your career or purpose in life, and having to deal with the constant harassment of an ex that just can't seem to move on and be a civil person towards you....allowing you some 'PEACE'.
I hope to get in contact with her regarding the mission I have upon my heart to offer hope and healing to so many mothers who deal with this type of person and then many who are unjustly without their children on top of it! 

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